January 28, 2017 – Work Day Report
Posted on February 3, 2017
CTA members and friends,
We had a workday at the club today (1/28/17) and it was one of the most productive work days that we have had in a long time. We had thirteen members there and really got a lot done. A HUGE “thank you” to all that devoted their Saturday to helping make our club property better.
Dave Haggist permanently mounted a tool box on our four-wheeler to store all the tools we need to set the range. Thanks to Lori for donating it to the club. It has already been really helpful.
One of the big projects for the day was cutting up, splitting and stacking all the firewood that was down on the bank above the fire ring and behind the clubhouse. It is done. We should have enough wood for three or four years and the area is cleaned up and looks a lot better.
Jim Jordan donated and installed a blower on our wood stove to help push heat out into the room. Thank you Jim for all you do for the club. This will be much appreciated.
We have had numerous request for some outdoor target butts for people to warm up before they go out on the range to shoot, so we cut two lanes and set up two butts for outdoor practice. They still need a little work but we’ll get that taken care of soon.
AND, Rick and Allen worked on this frame for the platform for our tree stand. It’s planned and work has begun. Lots of members have been asking for this too, so hopefully it’ll be a reality soon.
Jeff Cook and helpers also finished installing the hand rails on the steps up the bank. One more item checked off the list. It was a super day at the club. We had a pizza lunch and shared some good fun too. The weather was ideal………SO, we are ready to have a great shoot next weekend. See you there.
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