Warrior Creek Hunt 2015

Posted on October 19, 2015

For those club members who didn’t take advantage of the W. Kerr Scott Reservoir club hunt this year, you missed an excellent opportunity. We didn’t bring any venison home but encountered 29 deer and two bears. Quite a weekend in some beautiful country and the finest of camping facilities……running water and electrical outlets at every campsite. Between the camaraderie, the first class facilities and the exceptional weather, it was a fine outing.

Jeff Holchin had the two bears come by his tree stand within bow range but he didn’t know whether or not it was legal to shoot them in the park, so he passed. We saw plenty of deer but just couldn’t get the shots. Those of us there really had a good time and are already talking about next year’s hunt. We need to get more members involved. It’s a huge area and could easily handle 15 or 20 hunters.

This year’s hunters included Jeff and Daniel Holchin, Darrel Brown, Allen Wagner, Ken Ward, Jim Jordan and Drew Sumrell. Although we did a lot of scouting and learned a lot more about the area, we didn’t begin to cover it all. Start making plans for 2016. We’re going to harvest some venison from Warrior Creek next year. It is fine hunting indeed and we are fortunate to have the opportunity.

Warrior Creek Bears-1

Warrior Creek Hunt 2015-Campsite

Warrior Creek Hunt 2015

Warrior Creek Snoring Zone