
Your search for CTA returned 19 results.

Warrior Creek Hunt 2015

For those club members who didn't take advantage of the W. Kerr Scott Reservoir club hunt this year, you missed an excellent opportunity. We didn't bring any venison home but encountered 29 deer and two bears. Quite a weekend in some beautiful country and the finest of camping facilities......running water and electrical outlets at every campsite. Between the ...

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Dark Mountain Pow Wow

We had a really successful day at the Dark Mountain POW WOW at the W. Kerr Scott Reservoir on Saturday August 8th with our CTA archery booth. We must have had 40 people come through and shoot.....from 3 year olds to 65+ year olds. Many thanks to our members for all their help. It was really good to have so many of our CTA members there.....and we needed everyone. ...

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Family Fun Day 2015

The Family Fun Day at W. Kerr Scott Reservoir was a great time for the kids and even some adults. We probably had 25 or 30 kids come through and shoot. And we had some adults that shoot compounds but had never shot a traditional bow have fun and enjoy the experience. As you might expect, some of the kids had never shot a bow ...

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June Shoot Update

If you missed it, we had a great June shoot this past weekend. 50+ people and the silent auction raised a little over $1500.00 to help with a new roof on the club house........which is desperately needed. We're making progress but definitely need everyone's continued support and involvement. The fourteen or so kids seemed to have a good time too. ...

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March Workday

Although the turnout for the work day was small, six guys accomplished a lot of clean-up around the building this morning.  It looks a LOT better and we moved the "out house" to create a bit more privacy.  We also roughed out a new trail from the club house down to the creek that is much more gentle.  When we get a bit of grading done, it should be a lot easier to ...

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