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If you didn't make it to the October CTA shoot, you missed another fun day at the club. The rain held off until midafternoon, very good range set-up and a fine BBQ lunch, compliments of Tom McRary. Even though many of our members were hunting we still had 42 in attendance. AND, we signed up several more members. Can't ask for much more than that. ...
April 2017 Primitive Skills Weekend Wrap-up
It's hard to image how this past weekend could have been much better. After some vicious storms on Thursday night and Friday morning, the weather cleared and members and visitors started rolling in to the club from around North and South Carolina to take part in our first three day Primitive Skills Weekend and silent auction. We had some folks who didn't ...
January 28, 2017 – Work Day Report
CTA members and friends, We had a workday at the club today (1/28/17) and it was one of the most productive work days that we have had in a long time. We had thirteen members there and really got a lot done. A HUGE "thank you" to all that devoted their Saturday to helping make our club property better. Dave Haggist permanently mounted a tool box on our ...
January 2017 Shoot Report
Hey CTA members and friends, In spite of having to delay our shoot for a week due to the snow and with threatening skies all day, I think the January CTA shoot can be deemed a success. There seemed to be some serious fun had by all 43 in attendance, a fine 15 bean soup and trimmings for lunch and a really nice tribute to Herb Reynolds shared by Bill Morris after ...
2016 Club Hunt at Kerr Scott Reservoir
Hey CTA members and friend, All things considered, the 2016 club hunt at W. Kerr Scott Reservoir was a big success. We had 15 members there off and on throughout the hunt.......the largest turnout ever for one of our hunts. One deer was harvested and two were missed. WHAT? With all these good hunters and expert archers, I didn't think we would ever miss. ...